Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hello again!

Hello em-mos, mos and never-mos!

It has been a very very eventful year in my world! mostly good, some hard. And through it all I would think "oh yeah, there was that  blog. That was good. I should do that more!" and then I wouldn't.

Ok. Life gets in the way of my blogging. Though in fairness my life is much much fuller, richer and sweeter than it ever was before!

But should you have a question, should you need help, or advice I can offer, If your loved one is getting involved with the church and you find it troubling and you want some answers, if you are having doubts about  the church and need someone safe and distant to confide in and ask questions of, I'm not too far away.


Write anytime.

This may be a farewell post, or it may not! we shall see!

Thank you for reading, commenting and giving me a space to learn about the larger world while i left the safety and harm or my old one and I wish you well!

A few more excellent communities for those with questions, both in and out of the church:



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